The Astonishing Life of Enoch: Walking with God and the Hidden Truths You Never Knew

Discover the extraordinary life of Enoch who walked with God. Uncover hidden truths about faith, righteousness, and spiritual intimacy that can transform your relationship with the divine.
The Sin of David and Bathsheba: A Story of Scandal, Power, and Redemption You Won’t Believe!

Discover the shocking tale of King David’s fall from grace and his path to redemption. Explore the Sin of David and Bathsheba and its lasting impact on biblical history.
5 Biblical Life Lessons from Geese

“You Silly Goose!” | Here are 5 Life Lessons from Geese Actually, God didn’t make you or anyone else a silly goose. In truth, we can learn 5 important life lessons from geese, especially when we watch them fly overhead in formation. The source of our Canadian geese facts comes from the research of Rev. […]
If Not You, Then Who?

A Community Comes Together On Monday, August 5th, Sound of Heaven was honored to contribute to a candlelight vigil being
The Cracked Pot

The Cracked Pot Here is an article based upon the moral, “The Cracked Pot” by Russ Sacco Don’t Underestimate a
Rhyme and Reason to Never Give Up

Rhyme and Reason to Never Give Up A Poem of Endurance by Russ Sacco God says don’t grow weary doing
What is the Great Commission? 1 Command & 2 Steps.

What is the Great Commission? The Barna Group recently wrote an article detailing a study which showed that a large
When the Storm Lingers, Just Keep Walking! By Russ Sacco

You’ll Never Walk Alone. When the Storm Lingers, Just Keep Walking! By Russ Sacco Although I’m a bit older than
Your Struggle Has a Purpose by Mitul Patel

The following is a great article submission by Mitul Patel, member at Sound of Heaven Church Your Struggle Has a
2019 Ordination Service

2019 Ordination Service Highlights- 1/26/19 The Presbytery of Sound of Heaven Church, accompanied by special guest Apostle Yolanda Powell, was blessed