Our Mission
Thank you for your further interest to learn more about Sound of Heaven. Understanding the core beliefs and mission of the Church you are thinking about joining should be at the top of your priority list. Our mission is simple, to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world. We want to see everyone come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ but the bigger question is how? This is what sets us apart from many churches you may have checked out. Sound of Heaven is committed to spreading the Gospel and discipling people into a healthy and fruitful relationship with Jesus Christ. Here is how we do this.
The core of all Christian beliefs should always be that Jesus Christ is the undeniable Savior who redeemed the world from sin and death. It is this Truth which unites the Body of Christ to overcome darkness and be the light to this world.
When considering a church, it is very important to not only examine their beliefs, but also your own. The bible clearly tells us to “study to show thyself approved” (2 Tim 2:15). Here at Sound of Heaven, we encourage everyone to understand why they believe what they believe. Do not take another man’s word for it, but be like the Bereans (Acts 17:11) and look to God’s Word as the ultimate authority. So we will run through some of the Sound of Heaven core beliefs below.

Jesus came to earth as God in the flesh to fulfill the promise of redemption that was prophesied since the fall of man. He walked this earth and lived a sinless life. Jesus taught, cast out demons, healed the sick, and paid the ultimate sacrifice for our sins by accepting death on the cross. In fulfillment of the Scriptures, He rose in three days and destroyed the power of sin and death. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life by which ALL men and women can now have a relationship with God, without partiality. Because He has taken His rightful place at the Right Hand of God, all things are possible. There are no covenants with God outside of the belief in Jesus Christ. Learn more about Jesus and His claims to be God.
There is One God who is Omnipotent (all powerful), Omniscient (all knowing), and Omnipresent (in all places). We believe in His triune nature which is represented through the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. These 3 are the co-equal and do not signify different beings but the characteristics of the One True God.
The Holy Spirit encompasses all the power, wisdom and might of the Creator. It is His Spirit and acts as a divine inner connection to the Kingdom of God which dwells in every believer from the moment of salvation. Just as Jesus operated as a man on earth with God’s Spirit inside of Him, new covenant Christians also have this power with them. The Holy Spirit is our Guide, our Comforter and Helper. The Spirit convicts us when we are wrong, gives us strength in times of trouble and access to the Wisdom of the Father. Contrary to our fleshly desires, the Holy Spirits is the inner voice that leads us toward God.
God made mankind in His image. He gave man and woman dominion over the earth. God designed us to have fellowship with Him, but we became alienated from Him through sin. The imperfection of sin separates us from the perfect nature of the Father. We are incapable of regaining a right relationship with God through our own efforts. In a display of God’s love and mercy, He made a way for reconciliation through Jesus. There is nothing that can’t be restored in humanity, because God has made a way.
Salvation is a free gift given by God. It cannot be earned. To accept this gift, all we have to do is put our faith in God by admitting that we have sinned and believing that Christ died for us and that He rose from the dead. When we do this, we become a new creation and can have a personal, intimate relationship with God. Jesus said that unless someone is born again, they cannot see the Kingdom of God. (John 3:3) If you have any questions as to whether you are saved, contact us. We would love to talk with you personally. In the meantime, you can read this article about “What is Salvation” to truly understand why you do need to be “saved”.
Our approach to the Bible is “Sola Scriptura” (By Scripture alone). We believe that the Bible is the divinely inspired Word of God without a single contradiction. It details the covenantal relationship between God and man as it has progressed from the beginning of time through the present, eternal and unchangeable connection that Christians enjoy today. For proper understanding and application, the Bible must be read in the correct context. At Sound of Heaven, we are passionate about pursuing sound doctrine and equipping God’s church with the modern-day relevance found in His Word.
The church is not a building. We, the believers in Christ, are the church. With that said, we believe in the restoration of the 5 fold Apostolic ministry. This was the governmental structure of the early Acts church that changed the world. Apostolic ministry is a pioneering movement that equips believers. It disciples future leaders and expands the Kingdom of God. The role of Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Shepherds (Pastors), and Teachers are gifts that are still relevant in our world. When these gifts are present in the church, we are empowered with all the tools necessary to impact the world with the love of God. Learn more about the differences between an Apostolic church and a Pastoral church.
Water baptism is a ceremonial, symbolic expression of the dying to one’s old self, being cleansed, and reemerging as a new person. It is a way for us to identify with the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. While it does not have any bearing on salvation, we encourage all believers to be baptized. God loves the outward expression of our inward christian beliefs. Sound of Heaven holds water baptism services several times a year. If you wish to be baptized by water, let us know!
The baptism of the Holy Spirit is made available to all who have accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior. It is the work whereby God unites the believer with Christ and with other believers through the same Spirit. At Sound of Heaven we teach that through God’s Spirit, the impossible is possible. (1 Cor 12:13) It is our belief that the spiritual gifts that were revealed through the earthly ministry of Jesus and the works of the early church are alive and relevant today. This includes wisdom, faith, miracles, healing, prophecy, discerning spirits, speaking in tongues, and interpretation of tongues. as found in His Word.
The gift of prophecy is a conduit which God has used, as exhibited through both Old and New Testament, to speak to His people. Individuals that He chose to speak through could hear His voice and communicate His message to the people. We believe that in the New Covenant the prophetic is still a key component to modern ministry. Today, the believer can still hear the voice of God and use the gift of prophecy to encourage, exhort, edify, and make Him known.
Deliverance is available to all of God’s children. Many of our life struggles have physical implications, but they are generally symptoms of needing some help spiritually. There is nothing more powerful than the Spirit of God. At Sound of Heaven, we believe that deliverance is something that we all go through to be set free of struggles in our life. It is an amazing gift that further proves God’s love for us and His commitment to His promise that there is freedom in Jesus Christ. If you are struggling in any area, we would love to stand strong with you in seeking victory.
Hebrews 2:14 makes it very clear that the adversary of our soul has been rendered powerless by Christ’s defeat of sin and death. We do not believe that evil has any authority in this world today. As God’s ambassadors on this earth, we have the power to overcome all negative circumstances because of the finished work completed at the cross.
We are firm believers that eternal life is a gift from God that is a reward of salvation, through Jesus. All that are born again in Christ will experience eternity with God in Heaven. While the gift of eternal life is available to all, it is a matter of choice. Those who accept Jesus live forever. Those who elect to reject the gift of salvation perish and experience eternal separation from God. Our God is loving and just. He affords every opportunity for all to partake in the gift of eternal life. How you ever asked this question, “Will God send me to hell for my sin?”
At Sound of Heaven, we believe that the end times were a reference to the end of the first Jewish age. It was the transition from the Old Hebraic Covenant, which was based on law and limited to a specific group of people, to a New Covenant through Christ. In this New Covenant, a deeper more intimate relationship is available to ALL people. We are living in the fullness of that covenant today which is why if you are simply willing to believe, nothing is impossible for you.
The Great Commission, which calls for spreading the Gospel and making disciples, is just as relevant today as it was when Jesus commanded the early church. The early church had the urgency to reach their generation and change the world as God transitioned the church to the new covenant. We still have this mandate as everyday a new generation is born and needs to be awakened to the truth of the Gospel. Earthly life is short, but existence can be eternal. Every evil in this world can be extinguished with the love of God and we are committed to reaching as many people as possible with the time that we have.
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