Matthew 24 Explained

matt 24 explained

The Epic Journey of Prophecy: Unlocking the Secrets of Matthew 24 What You’ll Learn Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email A deep dive into Matthew 24. Every single time there is an earthquake, rumor of a war, the rising of a political party one doesn’t like, the prophecies about Matthew 24 start flying. Matthew 24 has to be the […]

What is Behemoth in the Bible?

behemoth bible

The Behemoth bible account in Job 40 gives us insight into an incredible creature. But was it real? Is it an animal that we all know of or perhaps a prehistoric beast. What is behemoth in the bible?

When Was The Book Of Revelation Written? And Why It Matters!

when was revelation written main

What You’ll Learn Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email ANSWER: The Book of Revelation was written around 68-69 AD by the Apostle John on the Island of Patmos after the Emperor Nero exiled him for preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. There is some speculation that Emperor Domitian was the one that sent John to Patmos, but […]

Do Short People Go to Heaven? Yes, People are Actually Wondering.

Do Short People go to heaven

What You’re Gonna Learn Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email Are Short people in Heaven? It’s a real concern. Really. This is an interesting one. In my research into all the deep theological questions that get put into Google search engines, I came across a real surprise.  Thousands of people a month wonder something I have never […]

Is Jesus Coming Soon? Why the Biblical Time Statements Matter

Jesus is coming soon

What You’ll Learn Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email What Are Biblical Time Statements? Biblical time statements are vital to how we interpret the Bible. The reason I say this is because if we can nail down the time frame of any event described in the Bible, it will help us interpret what it actually means. I heard […]

What is the book of Revelation all about? Revelation Easily Explained!

What is the book of Revelation all about

What You’ll Learn Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email Who wrote the book of Revelation? Answer: The Apostle John The Apostle John was boldly preaching and teaching the ways of Jesus (the good news, or Gospel). Church history has it that it was because of his bold preaching, the Roman Emperor Nero had ordered John to be exiled to […]

What does it mean that God is Light?

God is light

What You’ll Learn Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email An attribute of God is that He is Light The Bible shares many amazing characteristics of God.  One way that He is described is that God is Light.  Light, of course, is a vital part of our lives.  As obvious as that statement sounds, you can argue that […]

Understanding the Five Fold Ministry Gifts

5 fold ministry gifts

What You’ll Learn Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email What are the Fivefold Ministry Gifts? The biblical term “fivefold ministry” can be found in Ephesians, chapter 4.  It is here that the Apostle Paul shares a model for the Christian church structure. He mentions apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, and teacher as gifts instilled by Jesus.    So […]

Jesus said, “It is Finished” | The Meaning of Tetelestai

it is finished verse

What You’ll Learn Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email Tetelestai meaning in Koine Greek | It is Finished Tetelestai (τετέλεσται) is a word found in Koine (common) Greek, which was spoken around the first century during the Roman Empire.  It is translated to “It is Finished”.  Tetelestai comes from the root verb teleõ which means to finish, to […]