Wait. Discovering the Power of Patience

The Power of Patience

Who Enjoys Waiting? In my 28 years of life, I’ve yet to meet someone who enjoys waiting. As a mama of five, I’m pretty sure it’s my kids’ least favorite word. When they want a snack but I’m nursing the baby, they’re told to wait. When they want to run downstairs on Christmas morning and […]

Christianity and Coronavirus | 5 Ways to Respond to COVID-19

Christianity and Coronavirus | 5 Ways to Respond to COVID-19 1

 The Christian response to coronavirus (COVID-19). The recent and rampant spread of the coronavirus or COVID-19 has seemed to stop the world in its tracks.  Day by day, headline by headline, news report after news report, we hear about new cases.  Bread, milk, and toilet paper are flying off the shelves.  Celebrities like Tom Hanks […]

Why is Prayer Important? 4 powerful reasons.

Why is Prayer Important? 4 powerful reasons. 2

Why is Prayer Important? Many of us grew up with our parents reminding us, “Make sure to say your prayers.”  Others may have never been encouraged to pray, but have heard that people do as an important part of their day.  Either case can lead us to ask the question, Why is prayer important? First, it’s […]

If Not You, Then Who?

If Not You, Then Who? 5

A Community Comes Together On Monday, August 5th, Sound of Heaven was honored to contribute to a candlelight vigil being

The Cracked Pot

The Cracked Pot 6

The Cracked Pot Here is an article based upon the moral, “The Cracked Pot” by Russ Sacco Don’t Underestimate a