It’s the Book of Acts… Not the Book of Prayers

- Johnny Ova
It’s the book of Acts, not the book of prayers. “Evangelism in the Church”
Looking at the current state of Christianity, there are some things to be excited about. However, there is also a whole lot of work to do. A Christian is supposed to be a person who takes action for the cause of the love, through the Gospel (Good News). We are meant to transform the communities we are in with purpose-driven action, leadership, and effectiveness. We must bring back evangelism in the church. Unfortunately, we have many pockets in the Body of Christ that remain stagnant, complacent, and even unwilling to leave the four walls of the building. The church is not a structure built by human hands, but a community of people sent by God. Furthermore, the call to evangelism is alive and well in 2019 and will remain for every generation forward. It’s time that we, the Christian church, step up and step out of our comfort zones. We must go wherever is needed to proclaim the awesome message that God loved the world so much, He sent His Son Jesus to die for us all.
Facebook Live from Apostle Johnny on January 24th, 2019
“It’s the Book of Acts. It’s not the book of prayers” Apostle Johnny Ova
We need Evangelism back in the Church
Just because something makes you uncomfortable, doesn’t mean it isn’t true. In this video, Sound of Heaven Founder Apostle Johnny doesn’t hold back as he shares a passionate and perhaps controversial challenge to the church to rise up and go to the people that need it most. Of course, that means the “unchurched”, but there is also a large part of the Christian population that has never experienced evangelism in the church. They are frustrated because faith without works is dead and the hope that they have for revival in their generation is deferred by a lack of the display of God’s transformative power through the hands of His people. Watch this video. Ultimately, we hope that it challenges you the Christian to get out there to do more. Go out and be a blessing to our communities. Let your light shine and watch people that you would never think to glorify God, come to know Him. Church leaders, stop playing church on Sunday and raise up people to “be the church” 365 days a year. Lastly, let’s be the 21st century Acts church. In addition, contact us! We at Sound of Heaven are here to support you. Also, don’t miss another message. Download the SOH App today!