Prophecy for the 21st Century Church | Apostle Johnny Ova

Prophecy for the 21st Century Church | Apostle Johnny Ova 1

"Can You Hear Me Now?" Sermons on Prophecy

5 Powerful Prophetic Sermons | Apostle Johnny Ova

Throughout the Old and New Covenant, the Almighty Father has always made a way for His people to hear His voice.  The gift of hearing, understanding, and sharing the revelation of God is known as prophecy.  In the 21st century, we still have access to His Word and direction, although there is much confusion on this topic.  In the following series, Apostle Johnny Ova delivers 4 timely sermons on prophecy at Sound of Heaven church.  

These prophetic sermons are designed to bring clarity.  God is not the author of confusion.  Unfortunately, many  prophetic sermons have done little to empower the body of Christ to operate in this gift.                           

Apostle Johnny is setting the record straight with a series of 4 sermons on prophecy.  In these messages, he breaks down the true biblical concept of prophecy in a way that is applicable in this generation.

These prophetic sermons, in a series titled “Can you hear me now?, are sure to strengthen your understanding and give you practical and sound biblical teaching on what is prophecy, what is NOT prophecy, and why this gift is so important in 2021 and beyond.  

God wants you to clearly hear His voice and be able to prophesy in your own walk as a Christian man or woman.  

The Apostle Paul in his own letters and sermons on prophecy boldly stated,

For you can all prophesy in turn so that everyone may be instructed and encouraged.
1 Cor 14:31

A prophetic church is a powerful church.  By the end of these sermons on prophecy, you will be more prepared than ever before.   

Jesus died, rose, and also instilled gifts in the New Covenant church.  The gift of prophecy is a very important part of the Christian walk.  Prophetic sermons and words can help you navigate through any part of life, speaking His truth sharing it with others.

Do you believe the prophetic gift is available to you?  Unlike the central message of many prophetic sermons out there, you’ll find that God has already placed within you the privilege to communicate through His Holy Spirit and the benefits of His finished work of Jesus on the cross.  

So, are you ready for these sermons of prophecy?  Are you ready to start operating in your God ordained state of hearing and speaking His Word and His Will? 

Pursue love, and desire spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy.

1 Cor 14:1


Prophetic Sermon | Part 1

Prophecy in the 21st Century Church

In this first of the five prophetic sermons, Apostle Johnny lays the groundwork for what is true biblical prophecy.  This extremely vital subject has unfortunately been manipulated throughout the years but especially in recent church history.

You may have never been taught the prophetic like this, but get ready.  God wants you to sharpen your prophetic gift and this being the first of several powerful sermons on the prophetic is a great launching point.


sermons on prophetic 2

Prophetic Sermon | Part 2

Speak Life

The truth will set you free and what you release from your lips matters. It matters not just to you, but to everyone around you.  In this 2nd of the sermons on prophecy, Apostle Johnny Ova addresses the power of speaking Go’d truth as well as the dangers of not hearing from Him.  God’s truth changes the world and you are His vessel.

This series of prophetic sermons will empower you to operate in the gift of prophecy and this week’s addition will help you align with the voice of God and release it.  Speak life, not death!

Prophetic sermons 3

Prophetic Sermon | Part 3

Clarity on the Goodness God

If our viewpoint of God is unclear to His true nature, everything in our life is hindered, including our ability to both prophesy and discern whether the modern day prophetic is really coming from Him.  With all the noise in today’s world, we the church struggle to separate His voice from the distractions around us and even inside of us.  Our own fleshly emotions are sometimes a barrier.

In 3rd part of the 5 prophetic sermons in this series, we will look to view the Great God we serve with clarity in order to strengthen our prophetic walk.


Prophetic sermons 4

Prophetic Sermon | Part 4

Building with the Prophetic

Every Christian should seek and put a demand on truth. When we search for truth, we search for Jesus.

Over the past 2000 years, the church has been strengthened by those who were willing to test the direction of the church against the Word of God.  It didn’t win any popularity contests for some, but it is vital for the health of the Body of Christ.  

 Are you willing to be a truth seeker and a prophetic truth speaker?  Then you are a builder of a better world.  The 4th of the sermons on prophecy will challenge you.

sermon on prophecy 5

Prophetic Sermon | Part 5

Powering Prophecy

As we wrap up these sermons on prophecy, it all goes back to the Greatest of all things.  It is the identity of God Himself.  God is love.   

This final of the prophetic sermons will bring your understanding of prophecy to a level where you will be able to apply it in every area of your life, thus being effective in this world.  As the modern day Christian church, we are called to be a prophetic people.  You have a destiny where you hear the voice of God, release His truth, and change the world around you.  Listen to this and go be who you were called to be for Jesus!