SOH Thanksgiving Drive 2023

2023 SOH ThanksgivingTurkey Drive

Partner with us to help local families!

In 2022, many of you partnered with us to feed over 70 families on Thanksgiving.  Thank you!  This year, we are aiming to again help families in the Town of Babylon and throughout Long Island.  Will you partner with us? 

Thanksgiving is a special day!  Let’s make sure that no-one goes without a nice, warm meal.  We are partnering with local school districts and the Town of Babylon Department of Human Services.  

Please prayerfully consider donating perishable items, frozen turkeys, or even a full meal.  See the flyer below for the items needed.  Let us know how you can help and together we can make sure no-one goes hungry this Thanksgiving.  

Do you want to give financially?  Consider an e-gift card – Venmo Rebekah Patel here

2023 Thanksgiving Turkey Drive

Can you help? Please fill out this form!

Please complete the form and someone will be in touch with you!  Want to give financially?  Go to the SOH giving page!

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