What is the Romans Road to Salvation?

- Johnny Ova
The Romans Road to Salvation
The Romans Road to salvation is a little tagline that was made up to help people understand the power of salvation in a easy way. Verses from the book of Romans are used to explain the need for salvation, how God gave us salvation, how we can receive salvation, and the benefits of salvation. Let’s go through the 5 steps on the Romans road to salvation
Step 1: Romans 3:23– for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,
The first step magnifies our current state that I think we can all agree on. Nobody is perfect! We all fall short of the Glory of God because the standard is perfection…which is a requirement none of us meet! We have all done things that are displeasing to God, so the question is how do we meet this seemingly impossible qualification.
Step 2: Romans 6:23– “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”
This verse focuses on the consequences of sin. The standard for heaven is perfection, which none of us meet. The punishment that we have earned, because of our sinful nature, is physical death AND spiritual death…unless God makes a way for us.
Step 3: Romans 6:23 (Part 2)- “but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”
The love that BUT lol. This is the perfect demonstration of God’s love for us. We are the ones making these choices, and yet God’s love for us is so much that He decided to send is very own Son, Jesus, to take your spot! Jesus didn’t deserve what happened to Him, we did…but Jesus overcame what we deserve (death), to give us eternal life.
Step 4: Romans 10:9– “that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.”
Because of this love for us, He made this very easy. All we have to do is speak it with our mouth and mean it in our heart (that is belief) that Jesus Christ died on that cross, and resurrected on the third day. He paid the price with is death and gave us life with His resurrection.
Step 5: Romans 5:1– “Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.”
We have a choice. We can continue to live in our flesh and try to be perfect (which is impossible). If we choose that we will be judged by our flesh. If we choose to believe in Jesus, the blood that was shed on calvary is enough payment for our sin. Romans 8:1 tells us that there is no condemnation for those in Christ.

Are you ready to follow the Romans road to salvation?
If you are ready today to make that commitment to Jesus today I would like to share a simple prayer that can help you make this declaration over your life today. Just understand that it is more the just saying a prayer, but making a commitment to make Jesus Christ the Lord over your life. Say this out loud:
“Lord Jesus, come into my heart and make me a new creation. I understand that I have made mistakes and that I fall short of your glory, but I am ready to make Jesus Christ the Lord of my life. Thank you God, for sending Jesus to die on a cross for my sin and overcome death with is resurrection. Today I make Jesus, the Son of God, the Lord of my life. Amen”
There you have it. That’s it! No mater what you have done you will now spend eternity with God in paradise.
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