Our mission is simple, love God and love people. We are a Church that is excited to see people set free and flourishing in their life.
All are welcome at Sound of Heaven and we have something for everyone. Rich and powerful worship partnered with dynamic teaching and preaching makes us stand out from the crowd. This world desperately needs to know and understand what the power of Jesus is all about and we are excited to show them.
Kingdom Kids is focused on teaching the next generation all about the power, love and truth of God. Our children’s curriculum is designed to make all of our lessons fun and entertaining. The kids can not wait to get to Church on Sunday’s.
Kingdom Kids is currently available for our Sunday service only starting at 10:30am for ages 6 months to 10 years old.
How we view God, Jesus, the Bible, and many significant aspects of our faith.
Join us for one of our weekend services. Our services begin with Worship at 10:30AM in our Deer Park, NY location.
Build life-giving friendships, grow your relationship with Jesus, & discover the purpose God created you for.
Our most frequently asked questions and their answers below.
The Sound of Heaven Church is located at 375 Commack rd, Deer Park NY 11729. We are on the first floor of a two story brown building that is right on the corner of Commack rd and Grand Ave.
Sound of Heaven meets every Wednesday night at 7pm (which is also live-streamed) and Sunday morning at 9am and 11:00am.
We also meet at 9:30am every Sunday for 30 minutes of prayer. All are welcome to come but we start promptly at 9:30am and the doors are closed after that.
There are so many ways you can get connected and get involved at Sound of Heaven. Obviously, the starting place would be for you and your family to come and visit us on a Sunday.
The further engage we encourage everyone to attend a “Connect Breakfast.” Here you will learn more about the mission and vision of the Church, join our Core Team and use your talents and gifts to further the advancement of the Kingdom of God.
Our lead Pastors are Johnny and Rachel Ova (Slionski).
The services at Sound of Heaven are like a celebration! We are celebrating the goodness of God for who He is and for what He does. The services are high energy, exciting and full of passion towards our savior. Our worship is led by the Holy Spirit and is a life changing experience for all who enter in.
The preaching and teaching is powerfully anointed and the Word is broken down for you to easily understand it. You will also hear stories of what God is doing in our city and testimonies from people where God is moving.
If you are sick or need personal prayer in any way, our team is here and ready to serve you.
Services usually last about 90 minutes.
You should expect it to be amazing :-). It’s like walking into a family gathering where all are welcome. We are just honored that you would choose us to visit.
We also have a cool gift waiting for you so make sure you let someone from our First Impressions team know it’s your first time there. If you just want to quietly come in and hang, that’s perfectly cool too!
Come as you are! Whatever you feel comfortable in is perfectly fine with us. Most of our visitors are dressed casual to business casual, but again, it doesn’t make any difference to us. We just want you here!
The young adults at Sound of Heaven meet monthly for a Young Adults Small Group. It’s a great place for young adults to ask the tough questions in a safe environment, all while having fun learning Biblical truths. It’s a great opportunity for growth, fellowship, and engaging activities.
On Sunday’s, we encourage all of the youth to sit together and join us in our main service.
Our desire is that the youth at Sound of Heaven will have an awesome and genuine relationship with Jesus and make an impact on the lives of all of those around them.
You are our guest when visiting us. We don’t expect anything from you. There is no need for you to do anything but come and receive from God. We are here to serve you and your family.
Safety is a big focus of ours at Sound of Heaven. We have two security team members in plain clothing at all of the services. One in front of our kids room and the other within the service.
Masks are not required at Sound of Heaven but suggest you wear them if it makes you feel more comfortable. We have also designated a “mask only” section of about 15-20 seats for those who only want to be around people wearing masks.
Our whole facility is thoroughly cleaned and sanitized every Sunday morning at 4am.
We have also invested in a high powered air purifying system as well. It kills all airborne viruses and turns the air over in our facility every 2 hours.
With a name like Sound of Heaven, our music better be off the chain, and we certainly do not disappoint.
The praise and worship music released at Sound of Heaven is released with the sole intention to brig you closer to Jesus and set you free.
Not only do we do a lot of covers, but we also write our own music. If you are on our mailing list, we send out the set list with links to the songs that will be played to get you familiar with what is being released on Sunday. And as always, the card is subject to change :-).
Sound of Heaven is a non-denominational, independent Christian Church. We flow and function in the 5-fold ministry gifts mentioned in the book of Corinthians and Ephesians. See what we believe here.
We believe that Jesus is the only son of God who came down to earth to model a Christian life for us and to die on the cross for the salvation on mankind. We believe that Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior.
You will probably feel that our service is run very similar to a charismatic non-denominational church, but we have members, core members and leadership that come from all different cultures and backgrounds.
Please see our full list of beliefs here.
It’s our belief that the mission of every Church should be to impact the community. The purpose of the gatherings is to Worship and honor God, then pour out what we have to change the communities around us.
We impact our community by several different methods. Our main ones are community outreaches, serving opportunities, praying for the sick, ministering to and encouraging the lost with the truth of the Gospel.
We also pride ourselves on our creativity in reaching the lost with our digital communities and online presence. Our website gets over 15,000 hits per month from people who are struggling and need to know this Jesus that we serve.
We also have 2 Churches our leaders have planted in Bizoton, Haiti and Ghana, Africa.
Discipleship is not something learned in a classroom, but learned by a lifestyle modeled. It is also very personal.
We use many different Evangelism methods to bring people in. We use our Services to be a bridge for them to walk in relationship, and then our Core members meet them one on one to help get them healed and/or delivered if needed but to also discover the purpose God has for them. As we begin to understand that, we pair them up with people functioning in similar gifts so they can begin to use the gifts God has given them.
We see in many instances that these gifts go beyond the four walls of the Church. it can be in business, politics, entertainment, sports and so much more!
This is one of the areas we pride ourselves on. When you come to Sound of Heaven you will see people of every age, color, and ethnic background. Many have different upbringings and ideas on politics, society, and culture but we all have one things in common…JESUS.
We love Jesus and worship Jesus as one big family.
We also have a pretty amazing online audience that consists of thousands of people watching our services every week from all over the world.
We encourage all members of Sound of Heaven to get involved in the life of the church in a way that is healthy, sustainable, and conducive to the rhythm of their lives and families.
Some people are in a season where they desire to be fully immersed and active. Some are in a season of needing healing and rest. Still others are facing extraordinary challenges with family, children, work, and school.
Sound of Heaven is here to serve you and help you grow closer to Jesus no matter what season of life you are in without adding more pressure. All members are encouraged to give and serve as they are able. Your commitment is between you and God, and we are here for you no matter what.
If you desire to call Sound of Heaven your “home” then we encourage you to sign up for “connect.”
At Connect, you will learn about the history of Sound of Heaven, the vision of Sound of Heaven, and how you can be apart of this movement.
© Sound of Heaven Church 2011- 2025